July 9th 2021

So which classic slasher pic should be screening as part of this year's Burn, Dead And SudBuried, Burn : Horrorthon VI? The original camp crystal FRIDAY 13TH (1980) or Wes Craven's revolutionary SCREAM (1996)? You decide... Check out https://bit.ly/3eIgOcr

July 5th 2021

The good news is that we're now confirmed for October and ready to launch today!

Weekend and Single day tickets are now on sale and expect to be bombarded via email and social media during the month of July with requests to help select our seven classic horror titles. The full line-up of classic, new features and shorts for the two day event will be released in early August.

At this stage we're planning on running the event with no social restrictions as per government guidelines with obviously any necessary requirements to make sure we're all healthy and safe! If you bought a ticket for the postponed 2020 event, your ticket will automatically rollover and be valid for this year.

For more information please follow us on social media links below or check out our website.

Looking forward to it already...

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Dead And SudBuried

(c) $10 Chimp Limited

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