April 15th 2022

We're making Good Friday a Great Friday by not only putting tickets for this year's whopping 3-day event on sale but also offering a special Early Bird discount for all weekend passes!

Burn, Dead And SudBuried, Burn: Horrorthon VI will expand the event to three days in 2022 on 18th, 19th and 20th November featuring more new movies, more classics, more shorts - literally more everything. A weekend pass for the full 3-day event, giving access to every movie from Friday evening till Sunday night will be what we believe is a very reasonable £35. However, to celebrate the launch, here's a special Early Bird discount to just £30! Visit the link here and enter the discount code early22 at checkout to take advantage of this offer which expires on 30/4/22.

We've wriggled dates around this year which means we're avoiding the more expensive half-term holiday season so hotels in Sudbury are looking more reasonable than last year. Here's a link to booking.com for all of the Sudbury hotels which will give a nice round-up of what's available on the given dates! Book early for the best prices.

Our 'suggest a classic' movie page will remain open for more suggestions here with plans for online voting battles during the Summer of 2022.

And finally, designs for this year have been added to our online shop featuring official merchandise for 2021, some 'collector's items' from our earlier events for the hardcore and even some early pre-lineup designs for 2022! If you're looking for some snazzy new gear and want to support this growing little horror festival then take a look here.

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Dead And SudBuried

(c) $10 Chimp Limited

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